“Give-it-Away” Sunday
Once a month, FUUSE gives away the offering to a charitable organization serving our communities. The Outreach Committee evaluates and chooses the recipient charities.
February’s Give-it-Away Offering will be for the Minister’s Discretionary Fund.
Rev. Ariel uses this fund to help members of the congregation and wider community who need emergency support to pay for things such as rent, gas, repairs, fuel assistance, food and medical expenses.
You can give directly online through the green “Give” button below, or if you would like to give by check, please make it payable to FUUSE with “Minister’s Discretionary Fund” in the memo line and drop it in the offertory basket. Or mail your check to FUUSE, PO Box 627, Exeter, NH 03833. All cash from that morning will also be donated to this fund. Thank you so much for helping our community.