Children’s Religious Education (RE)

The Children’s Religious Education (RE) program at FUUSE adapts to meet the evolving needs of the children and youth of our small congregation.
RE classes meet during the 9:30 am Sunday services, which take place from September through mid-June.
Children and youth begin in the Sanctuary with adults at the start of each service. Many services include a time when children (and anyone young at heart!) gather for a “Story for All Ages.” After the story, the congregation sings the children and their RE leaders out to their religious education classes, which last until the worship service concludes around 10:30 am. The kids then join their grownups upstairs for coffee hour and a snack.

What is a typical RE class like?
In the 30-40 minute class, children do two or three activities around a common theme. The class ends with a story that relates to what they just learned.
How do I get my child involved with RE?
You can either email the RE coordinators at or just join us on a Sunday at 9:30am!