Meet our new Minister: Rev. Ariel Aaronson-Eves

The Board is delighted to report that Rev. Ariel Aaronson-Eves is our new contract minister. We are grateful to our Search Committee for their hard work and persistence in identifying and securing a minister whom they believe will be an outstanding fit for FUUSE. Learn more.
Here is a little information about our new minister. Rev. Ariel is a lifelong UU, who identifies as queer. They are single and live with their nine-year old dog. Raised in New Jersey, they have a large extended family based in northern New England, Washington state and Florida. Their parents reside in Dover.
Rev. Ariel has spent the past twenty years following the call of the land and spirit around the country and beyond. A graduate of Carleton College and of Starr King School of Ministry, they come to us from the UU Congregation of Franklin New Hampshire, where they served as the part-time Consulting Minister since 2021. In addition to their ministerial work, Rev. Ariel also served as Network Coordinator of the NH Queer Farmer Network. They note: “My work as a farmer introduced me to the divine in beautiful and magical ways. I see the sacred woven through everything, but am especially present to it in the growth of plants. This knowing of ‘God,’ this agrarian theology, is grounded in my firsthand, embodied experiences on the land.”
The Search Committee and some members of the board watched videos of several of their sermons, and were impressed by their sensitivity, meaningful messages and effective delivery. Their references, including a reference from our regional consultant, were positive.
Rev. Ariel has extensive experience in pastoral care, with a glowing reference from their supervisor in hospice care. They consider pastoral care “as one of the most meaningful privileges of ministry.”
Rev. Ariel is passionate about social justice, and attending political visibility events at the State House, “has been an important part of my social justice witness.”
While they have limited experience supervising church staff, they have supervised staff in multiple contexts ranging from a café to a hotel to farms.
Actively involved with the UUA, they currently serve on the executive team for the Northern New England Chapter of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Associations, as well as on the UUA’s Bylaws Renewal Team.
Rev. Ariel enjoys hiking, skiing, biking, cooking and gardening. They explore their familial Jewish roots through an online community.
When our Search Committee first started the search, Rev. Ariel was not looking for a job. In recent months, the demands of two+ part-time jobs became untenable. When they heard about FUUSE, they were compelled to apply, recognizing the opportunities this congregation offers. Rev. Ariel is at a stage in their work where they are ready to put down roots. They write, “I hope for a fruitful ministry, where I can really ground myself in a place and get to see the seeds that I plant grow.”
Rev. Ariel is excited by the opportunity to serve a congregation that is significantly larger than the Franklin UU congregation. “I dream of collaborating with church staff, especially the directors of religious education and music, bringing together our respective gifts to create meaningful worship and lifetime faith formation opportunities.”
Rev. Ariel has requested a two-year contract, and the Board, who had the opportunity to review their ministerial record and also to meet them, has unanimously agreed. We will share additional information at our annual meeting on June 2 and we hope there will be an opportunity to welcome Rev. Ariel for a visit sometime in the next month. Rev. Ariel will officially begin her time with us on August 1st.
FUUSE Board of Trustees